Thursday 3 June 2010

Environment Week


Ethical Fashion Forum

In November at Chelsea we had Environment week. During this week we had a tent put up in the courtyard for EFF where stalls where put up and environmentally friendly company’s came and spoke about their work with the environment and what they did.

This was really interesting as there was a wide range of company’s who came to visit. All of these companies’s where brought together by EFF who are a industry body for ethical fashion. Fashion designers and business have set this up for the industry and have set up this company for challenges to sustainable practices.

Anyone can go onto this website ad join to stay updated on latest news and whats so good is you can promote your own business or project and post events, share ideas and links with other people and members in the fashion world who vary from press to buyers, manufactures to suppliers and students so it’s published to a huge range of people.

Below I have posted the link to their website for anyone to visit and even join.

When I went around the tent I picked up lots of leaflets from individual company’s. One that really caught my eye was ‘ecoboard’ this company makes classic 5mm board with a shiny good quality finish and brown core for the centre.

What is so clever is the Centre core is made from supermarket packaging, newspaper and post-consumer waste all recycled in the UK.

The Outer lining is made from recycled paper for the white board and FSC accredited card for the grey boards.

Eco Board is helping EFF raise standards and reduce poverty and environmental damage in the fashion industry.

Again for more information I have posted their website for anyone to look at.

Chelsea Art School is also trying to do a lot to help the Fashion Industry. They have set up a company called TED Textiles Environment Design. We have had many lectures about TED and the company’s they work with to create a better more environmentally friendly fashion industry. Below I have also posted a link to university of arts website which has more details on TED.

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